A new designer would take input on skate park design | Weekly Wausonian
Wausau news for Sept. 9, 2022
The city of Wausau is planning to rebuild its skate park. And if approved by the city council, the new designer would take input from skaters and other community members.
The city’s Parks Committee Tuesday chose Sophn Ranch to design the new skate park. That company, if chosen, would take input from skaters and community members of all ages to design a park for everyone.
The city designated $225,000 in APRA (pandemic relief) funds to help pay for the park’s redevelopment as it has fallen into disrepair. A different firm would have to handle construction since state laws prohibit firms from doing both, according to Parks Director Jamie Polley.
This week everyone got to read a story about how the community is rallying around the Community Corner Clubhouse, which serves people who suffer from mental illness. People of both political leanings are looking for ways to save the place after NCHC announced it would shut the clubhouse down. And paid subscribers have been keeping up with our Big Trouble in Little Kronenwetter series — with an update coming this weekend. Consider going paid today to see everything The Wausonian offers!
What else in Wausau?
Wausau Police have confirmed that WAOW Anchor Neena Pacholke’s death has officiall been declared a suicide. Police responded to her house in the Southeast Side neighborhood on a Saturday morning after learning she had made suicidal comments. Wausau Police and the Medical Examiner’s Office made the cause of death determination.
A Wausau man is in Marathon County Jail on a $250,000 cash bond after police say he shot a gun at his girlfriend during a domestic disturbance and fled with a young child. Pao Vang is facing attempted homicide, OWI with a minor, possession of a firearm while intoxicated and as a felon, and possession of THC with intent to sell.
Wausau Police also are investigating a fatal crash between a young bicyclist and a motorist last week. Police say a 10-year-old was riding his bike at the intersection of 10th and Forest streets when he hit a motorist 3:45 pm Thursday. He was rushed to the hospital but died of his injuries. The motorist remained on scene and cooperated with police. No citations or arrests were made.
A new Taco Bell is slated to open in Rib Mountain. The new fast food chain restaurant location will be located at the intersection of Lilac and Swan Avenues near Rib Mountain Drive.
This week in data
The UW system is expected to release its enrollment data for this year soon. UWSP at Wausau officials will hope to see a continued improvement in enrollment numbers — they ticked up slightly last year but overall have seen a sharp decline in the last decade. Some campuses such as Madison and Green Bay have bucked the trend. Here is enrollment data from UWSP at Wausau.
Thursday, Sept. 9: The very first band to ever play at Lamplight Sessions, before it was ever even open to the public, was Tae and the Neighborly. The jazzy/funk/R&B band has been making waves lately and is a great act to catch! Tae has a powerful and deep voice for such a small lady, and that voice occasionally pops into the upper registers with seeming ease. This is definitely a great show to see at Lamplight, which now has a coffee shop co-locating its building. Show starts at 6 pm.
Sat.-Sun, Sept. 10-11: Funny thing is there is a Steely Dan song where I swore for the longest time the backing chorus sounded like they were singing “Artrageous… Artrageous!” Although Donald Fagen likely never heard of Artrageous, in Wausau it’s sung with pride as the festival comes back to downtown Wausau. Of course, the Bird in Art exhibit will debut at the Woodson Art Museum and artists will display their wares both downtown and all over Marathon Park. This weekend will definitely be Artrageous!
Saturday, Sept. 10: You know, all this bluegrass and math rock and whatnot is great and all (yes math rock is a thing, look it up) but sometimes you just want to rock! Bad Neighbor is here to meet your needs. This four-piece will rock your socks off like it’s 1987 and hey, sometimes that's exactly what you want. Expect screaming guitar solos and screaming vocals with colorful lights flashing. Go on with your bad self now, and get down to Cruisin’ 1724. Starts at 8pm.
Looking for kids/family events? Check out the full listing from The Wausonian’s partner Wausau Mama, who puts together a weekly listing of children/family activities.
D.C. Everest and Wausau West are both off to a strong start in football this season. The Evergreens beat Appleton West 44-22 Friday and the Warriors defeated Wisconsin Rapids 20-17 Friday, putting both teams at 1-0 in the Valley Football Association. Everest heads to Marshfield Friday and the Warriors will win a forfeit against East, which isn’t fielding a varsity team this year.
Speaking of Wausau West and D.C. Everest, both boys soccer teams are 1-0 in the Wisconsin Valley Conference. The Warriors shut out Merrill 11-0 Thursday and the Evergreens kept Wausau East scoreless 4-0. One of the teams will lose undefeated status as West heads over to D.C. Everest 7 pm today (Thursday).
In girls tennis it’s the East/West show as both the Warriors and the Lumberjacks are 2-0 in the Valley Conference. East won all seven sets against Merrill last Tuesday and Wausau West narrowly defeated SPASH 4-3 to remain undefeated. East heads to Marshfield today (Thursday) and West takes on Rapids.
The Evergreens are leading the charge in girls volleyball as the only local team to start the season 1-0 so far. D.C. Everest beat Wausau West in four sets Thursday to start the season off. East will play its first conference game against SPASH today and the Evergreens host Rapids.
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