Perfectly Wausonian No. 4: The Wausau Business Show
Paul Grinsel and Ryan Gallagher of the Wausau Business Show give their recommendations; and through that we get to know them.

It’s been awhile since we’ve done a Perfectly Wausonian episode. What’s the deal? It’s modeled after a newsletter called Perfectly Imperfect, which features a different guest each week giving their recommendations. The theory behind it, which I agree with, is that seeing someone’s recommendations is a good way to get to know someone in the community.
This week we have Ryan Gallagher and Paul Grinsel of the Wausau Business Show. The show, on Bull Falls Radio, focused on businesses and their owners in the area. They’ve also hosted a new event called The August Kickbusch Celebration, a 400 Block event celebrating Wausau’s first mayor (who famously walked from Milwaukee to Wausau) and Wausau’s 151st celebration as a city. The event featured an event where participants kick a can of Busch beer (I hope it was the light variety).
Paul is:
A native Wausonian who started his career at Mino’s Italian Cocina in Wausau after graduating with degrees in Economics and Political Science from UW-Madison. He then went on to lead a successful business in the legal industry in downtown Chicago before boomeranging back to Wausau.
And Ryan is:
A native Wausonian and former business consultant who moved back to Wausau from New York to help with the family business. Early in his career he was a syndicated radio personality on several of iHeartRadio’s most successful radio stations in the country. He started at WIFC as “Bruce Kelly” when he was 16, working with Dave Kallaway!
If you haven’t checked out their show, here is the landing page.
We ask Perfectly Wausonian participants to give 5-6 recommendations with a little explanation and what they like about it; and they can be a mix of local and otherwise recommendations. And here are their recommendations!
Ryan Gallagher
Rib Mountain observation tower
Watching the Sun go down as the moon comes up at the top of the Rib Mountain observation tower. Whatever you do don’t sneak beer up there (hint, hint)!
High Roller Skating Center
I highly recommend going—I started my DJ career there while attending the prestigious John Muir middle school (and got paid less than minimum wage, but loved it anyway). While you’re there buy someone a flower at the DJ booth. By the way, someone needs to bring High Roller back in order for you to do this! Someone, please, BRING IT BACK!
Just Right: Cakes, Coffee and Gifts!
Coffee and a snack at Just Right: Cakes, Coffee, and Gifts! I love working here and the Ukrainian family that owns it is pretty cool!
Sam’s Pizza (with tuna fish)
Sam’s is my favorite pizza of all time (yes, above Chicago, New York, and Detroit!)—sausage, onion, pepperoni, and jalapeño’s—extra well done, but I’ve never had the famous TUNA pizza at Sam’s—I’ve always wanted to, so I would HIGHLY recommend trying the TUNA Pizza—it’s been on the menu since the beginning (let me know how it goes!!!)
Rocky Rococo’s
Guilty pleasure.
Paul Grinsel
Kayaking to Gulliver’s in the summer for dinner.
I’ve never come close to doing this but I want to, and I know it will be great, so I would HIGHLY recommend it (let me know how it goes!!!)
Cheese fries at The Wausau Mine Company.
Guilty pleasure.
Limericks food
Try the food at Limerick’s! It’s highly underrated!
Rainbow Play Systems of Central Wisconsin in Rib Mountain
Little known fact but this place rents out as a children’s birthday party joint!
Bonus from both
We both have a lot of love for all our local restaurants, but Wausau’s future Red Lobster is gonna be juuust absolutely DELICIOUS!
Thanks so much to Ryan and Paul for participating in the latest Perfectly Wausonian! Their radio show is really starting to have an impact — stay tuned because they will appear in these pages again in the future. Besides Dave Kallaway’s linked above, check out artist Stephanie Kohli’s and Wausau Mama’s Cheryl Wolken’s.
Check out our story on the latest in the Kronenwetter saga, where The Wausonian got ahold of an investigative report looking into harassment allegations against Ken Charneski.
I agree High Roller should come back. It’s exercise! It’s fun! Falling down is only mostly embarrassing and good training for the future.