Could you please do a deeper dive story into the Rib Mountain State Park Master Plan approval, with the last minute amendment from Wausau resident Prehn. Where proper process for public review was not afforded the amendment, and then Prehn, whe refused to leave when his term was up, resiigned from the Natural Resources Board. I am especially interested in the lack of what seemed to be proper proces with the amendment and all that it entails.

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That's a great point, and brings to the forefront something that's been rattling around in the back of my mind. Something seems off that a board can just amend a plan like that at the last minute that's gone through numerous public input sessions, revisions based on community feedback, etc. It makes me wonder: are there any limits on how much they could change the plan? For example, could they have eliminated mountain biking altogether? Or is there a threshold where it would have to go back to the public? Added to the fact the Prehn is serving well past his term limitation, I think this is definitely worth a deep dive.

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